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    Jiffy-7 Plugs 41mm - Single
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      Jiffy-7 Plugs 41mm - Single
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        Jiffy Pellets (clone plugs) are designed to facilitate the propagation of plants and are the ultimate container and substrate in one.
        Jiffy-7 Plugs 41mm - Single
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          Jiffy Pellets (clone plugs) are designed to facilitate the propagation of plants and are the ultimate container and substrate in one.
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            Dynaroot Rooting Hormone Powder
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              Dynaroot Rooting Hormone Powder
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                Dynaroot No 2 for Semi-hardwood cuttings is locally manufactured, making it a proudly South African product. Dynaroot rooting hormone powder is a growth regulating hormone powder, used to stimulate fast and prolific rooting of plant cuttings. 
                Dynaroot Rooting Hormone Powder
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                  Dynaroot No 2 for Semi-hardwood cuttings is locally manufactured, making it a proudly South African product. Dynaroot rooting hormone powder is a growth regulating hormone powder, used to stimulate fast and prolific rooting of plant cuttings. 
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                    Dip & Root
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                      Dip & Root
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                        Grow Shop
                        Dip & Root is a liquid growth regulating hormone concentration, used to stimulate fast and prolific rooting of plant cuttings. Its active ingredients are Indole-3- Butyric Acid (IBA) & Napthyl Acetic Acid (NAA). Dip & Root is used on the more "difficult to root" plant cuttings.
                        Dip & Root
                        • New
                          Grow Shop
                          Dip & Root is a liquid growth regulating hormone concentration, used to stimulate fast and prolific rooting of plant cuttings. Its active ingredients are Indole-3- Butyric Acid (IBA) & Napthyl Acetic Acid (NAA). Dip & Root is used on the more "difficult to root" plant cuttings.

                          Propagation & Cloning

                          Soil is one of the most popular growing mediums for marijuana plants because it is natural and available everywhere across the world. If you decide to use soil, try using a sterilized, loose, non- peat based potting compost. We here recommend mixing your soil 50/50 with a soil conditioner like perlite which will provide drainage and keep higher amounts of air/oxygen in the soil.

                          Soilless mediums such as rockwool, perlite, vermiculite, and coco coir also all make great marijuana growing mediums.