BioBizz Bio-Bloom 1 Liter
BioBizz Bio-Bloom is a complete liquid organic fertilizer. Contains a small amount of nitrogen and enough phosphorous and potassium to ensure exuberant flowering.
BioBizz Bio-Bloom is a complete liquid organic fertilizer. Contains a small amount of nitrogen and enough phosphorous and potassium to ensure exuberant flowering.
BioBizz Bio-Bloom is a complete liquid organic fertilizer. Contains a small amount of nitrogen and enough phosphorous and potassium to ensure exuberant flowering.
BioBizz Bio-Grow is a liquid growth fertilizer which can be applied to most types of soil and substrate mixtures. BioBizz Bio-Grow is an Organic Nutrient Fertilizer.
BioBizz Bio-Grow is a liquid growth fertilizer which can be applied to most types of soil and substrate mixtures. BioBizz Bio-Grow is an Organic Nutrient Fertilizer.
BioBizz Fish-Mix has always been a loyal friend to gardeners because it conditions substrates to stimulate bacterial flora and accelerate growth. BioBizz Fish-Mix is an Organic Nutrient Fertilizer.
BioBizz Fish-Mix has always been a loyal friend to gardeners because it conditions substrates to stimulate bacterial flora and accelerate growth. BioBizz Fish-Mix is an Organic Nutrient Fertilizer.
Organic liquid fertilizer (NPK 3-2-5). This is a natural fermentation product gained from processing sugar beet. It contains a combination of essential nutrients (3% nitrate, 2% phosphoric acid, 5% potash and trace elements)
7:5:25 + TE + Org
POT FLORA is a water-soluble supplement which provides the final balance of nutrients required to drive your plants through flowering to a well-deserved harvest.