Germination Methods
There are various methods to germinate Cannabis Seeds without the help of germination kits or products. The key necessities are moisture and heat. No matter the quality of the Marijuana Seed, a lot can go wrong during the germination process. However, even a “bad seed” can be germinated and cultivated into a thriving grow given that it’s been germinated and cultivated in optimal and caring conditions. It is important to note that once the root of the Cannabis Seed has sprouted, it should be handled with utmost care. The taproot of a Marijuana Seed is very fragile and can snap easily.
The key necessities, moisture, and heat, signals the Cannabis Seed to start sprouting. Once the root breaks through the shell and the water around it has dried up, it will die. No matter what method is being used, the Marijuana Seed(s) always needs to have access to water during the entire germination period.
Cannabis Seeds germinate best in warm temperatures, thus creating a humid environment (warm and moist) is essential. To create such an environment, some use an incandescent light (not a grow light) as they are great at generating heat. Whichever mean is used, it is necessary to make sure any seeds or sprouts are always kept warm and moist and that their roots are unexposed to light by planting them right away.
The Paper Towel Method:
This is the most common method used when germinating any seeds, not just Cannabis Seeds. Some use cotton pads instead of paper towels. This method consists of arranging the Marijuana Seeds on a moist (not soaked) paper towel or cotton pad that is placed on a plate with another plate on top of it upside down (like a dome) to keep it humid. This dome should then be kept warm and the paper towel or cotton pad should be regularly checked (every 6 – 12 hours) and kept moist.
• Take four sheets of paper towel and moisten them with distilled water (not soaked), there shouldn’t be water dripping off them.
• Take two moist paper towel sheets and place them on the plates, then place the Cannabis Seeds, at least 2cm apart, on top of the moist paper towels.
• Cover the Marijuana Seeds with the remaining two moist paper towels and place another plate on top of it upside down (like a dome) to keep it humid and dark.
• Make sure your dome is kept in a warm area with an ambient temperature of round about 20 - 25 °C.
Some soak their Cannabis Seeds before starting this method. Fill a cup with distilled water (purified water) and put the Marijuana Seeds in it. Take the Cannabis Seeds out of the water after 12 – 24 hours and start the paper towel process.
Within 48 – 72 hours, the taproots should start to break free. However, it can take longer for the taproot to break free – a week at most, in rare cases 10 days.
With this method, there is a risk of hurting the taproot when moving the sprouted Cannabis Seed to soil, thus handle with care once the taproot sprouted. There is also the possibility of the paper towel or cotton pad drying out and should thus be checked regularly to make sure they are still moist without disturbing the Marijuana Seed or its root. Once a root (taproot) has sprouted from the Cannabis Seed, it should be planted immediately.
The Overnight Soaking Method:
This is known as the easiest method to germinate Marijuana Seeds. It is also the best method when trying to germinate old (more than a few years) and hard Cannabis Seeds. Place the Marijuana Seeds in a drinking glass or cup filled with lukewarm distilled water. The most viable seeds usually start out floating and eventually sink to the bottom of the glass. Once the latter occurs, some growers remove the Cannabis Seeds from the cup and continue with the Paper Towel Method.
Some Marijuana Seeds take longer to sprout than others, especially the older Cannabis Seeds with harder shells. On the other hand, if the Marijuana Seeds are left to soak for too long, they can drown. Thus, it’s best to not leave Cannabis Seeds to soak in water for longer than 32 hours. If none of the Marijuana Seeds have sprouted within the latter time, rather remove them from the waterfilled cup and continue with the Paper Towel Method.
Directly into Soil Method:
This method is ideal for clumsy growers and puts a lot less strain on the Cannabis Seedling during its germination process. It is also one of the easiest methods for beginner growers. Make a hole of about 1 cm (a knuckle deep) in loose and moist (not wet or soaked) soil. Gently place the Marijuana Seed into the hole and lightly cover it with moist soil and gently press. The soil needs to be light so that it is easier for the taproot to sprout and grow. Solid soil will cause a delay in the latter process. Keep it in a warm environment (roundabout 20 °C), for example with incandescent lights.
Add water to the soil when it’s dry and regularly check on the soil to make sure it stays moist. By planting the Cannabis Seed too deep may result in the Marijuana Seed to start rotting. Only plant one seed per pot. The Cannabis Seeds should start breaking through the soil to the surface in round about 4 – 10 days.
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